2014-29-08 09:21:00 004206####8532 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c30
2014-29-08 09:22:09 004206####2983 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c43
2014-29-08 09:26:37 004206####2751 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c79
2014-29-08 09:36:07 004206####7797 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c41
2014-29-08 09:41:18 004206####7715 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c80
2014-29-08 09:49:39 004207####8543 00420776681720 textmessage Ja nevim, jeli jsme  z Florence 2 zastavky busem, ale v Brne nemuzeme nikoho najit. Je to u autobusoveho nebo vlakoveho nadrazi? 5 c84
2014-29-08 09:58:35 004206####6291 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c64
2014-29-08 10:03:46 004206####1320 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c60
2014-29-08 10:10:58 004206####8886 00420776681720 textmessage LARP uz zacal? 5 c62
2014-29-08 10:13:34 004206####6689 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c28
2014-29-08 10:17:53 004207####9576 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c66
2014-29-08 10:27:40 004206####9046 00420776681720 textmessage Breme to zkratkou přes dalnici, jinak to nestihneme. 5 c73
2014-29-08 10:30:24 004206####5997 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c22
2014-29-08 10:39:12 004207####2225 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c64
2014-29-08 10:47:24 004207####3746 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c97
2014-29-08 10:51:43 004207####7698 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c94
2014-29-08 10:53:27 004207####1045 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c21
2014-29-08 10:57:12 004207####2477 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c52
2014-29-08 11:03:06 004206####8990 00420776681720 textmessage kde je start 3 c68
2014-29-08 11:03:32 004207####7934 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c62
2014-29-08 11:10:35 004206####4649 00420776681720 textmessage kde je hlavni nadrazi?? 5 c50
2014-29-08 11:11:44 004206####3116 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c60
2014-29-08 11:16:12 004206####5729 00420776681720 textmessage Meine Augen brennen. Ich mochte von der Brucke springen 5 c84
2014-29-08 11:18:56 004207####6118 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c69
2014-29-08 11:23:33 004207####6822 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c67
2014-29-08 11:32:46 004206####3919 00420776681720 textmessage pred 30m nas poslalo NPC DISCORD k rece s tim, ze tam mame cekat. Zatím se nic nedeje. Nemeli jsme ho nahodou ignorovat? 3 c22
2014-29-08 11:37:13 004206####4898 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c71
2014-29-08 11:42:50 004206####7133 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c27
2014-29-08 11:50:54 004206####4229 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c33
2014-29-08 11:52:55 004206####8500 00420776681720 textmessage zu viel Autos. zu viele Touristen. wir werden Kneipe gehen. bis spater 3 c81
2014-29-08 12:02:43 004207####9694 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c34
2014-29-08 12:12:22 004206####6345 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 5 c63
2014-29-08 12:12:39 004207####1067 00420776681720 textmessage francouzi jsou fuc. neco rikali ale nepochopili jsme nikdo co 3 c36
2014-29-08 12:20:08 004206####5340 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c63
2014-29-08 12:28:55 004207####4431 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c64
2014-29-08 12:37:16 004206####8895 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c53
2014-29-08 12:40:00 004206####1691 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c72
2014-29-08 12:41:36 004206####4211 00420776681720 textmessage Uz je to ok. Kocarek jsme vratili i s ditetem. 5 c76
2014-29-08 12:48:30 004206####9336 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c84
2014-29-08 12:53:33 004206####1360 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c40
2014-29-08 12:57:35 004207####4034 00420776681720 textmessage Divocak je na v patach, jdeme ho nekam zamknout. 5 c93
2014-29-08 12:58:44 004206####8747 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c77
2014-29-08 13:04:38 004206####6832 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c47
2014-29-08 13:10:24 004206####8918 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c72
2014-29-08 13:15:26 004206####7633 00420776681720 textmessage My team are faggots. They are still drinking and singing. I wana go home :(. 3 c81
2014-29-08 13:18:01 004206####3414 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c61
2014-29-08 13:23:21 004206####8432 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c89
2014-29-08 13:28:15 004206####9291 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c54
2014-29-20 13:30:07 004206####5773 00420776681720 textmessage Je ta poznamka na strance 5 jako reference na str 13. Nebo mame jit dle NPC 5 na stanoviste ze str 12? 3 c38
2014-29-08 13:37:19 004206####4381 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c71
2014-29-08 13:38:28 004207####6145 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c53
2014-29-23 13:40:03 004206####9777 00420776681720 textmessage Labut nam při krmeni sezrala papir s instrukcemi. Mame se vratit o jedno stanoviste zpet?!? 3 c69
2014-29-08 13:49:16 004206####6146 00420776681720 textmessage Krajhour nam vyspoileroval zaver :((. 5 c71
2014-29-08 13:52:26 004206####7212 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c64
2014-29-08 13:53:27 004207####5947 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c91
2014-29-08 13:56:46 004207####8072 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c49
2014-29-08 13:59:38 004206####3947 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 5 c29
2014-29-08 14:06:50 004207####5409 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c73
2014-29-08 14:12:45 004206####8685 00420776681720 textmessage Proc je tu takova tma? 3 c79
2014-29-08 14:17:47 004207####7362 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c81
2014-29-08 14:24:16 004206####1238 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c87
2014-29-08 14:32:37 004207####2304 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c96
2014-29-08 14:35:21 004206####1573 00420776681720 textmessage where is that mysterious cat that everybody is talking about?? 5 c28
2014-29-08 14:37:13 004207####7463 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c39
2014-29-08 14:37:31 004207####4281 00420776681720 textmessage musime skocit domu. Kamoska spadla do vltavy jak lezla pro indicii. 3 c24
2014-29-08 14:39:32 004207####3978 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c95
2014-29-08 14:47:18 004206####2481 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c93
2014-29-08 14:49:54 004206####4877 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c58
2014-29-08 14:59:15 004206####6703 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c33
2014-29-41 15:05:53 004206####1109 00420776681720 textmessage Mame klic 1,4,5,2,6 ale porad nam tvrdi, ze nam neco chybi. To mame najit jeste truhku? 3 c24
2014-29-08 15:11:47 004207####9059 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c87
2014-29-08 15:19:42 004206####2802 00420776681720 textmessage Cekame na polii, pry se tam nesmelo jet autem. 3 c58
2014-29-08 15:27:20 004206####4699 00420776681720 textmessage Nepochopili jsme tu morzeovku. Vzdavame to a vracime se na Petrin. 3 c79
2014-29-08 15:35:50 004206####8483 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c35
2014-29-08 15:36:33 004206####3761 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c30
2014-29-47 15:40:00 004206####8489 00420776681720 textmessage Revizor rika neco o neplatne jizdence v pasmu 2. Jsi rikal, ze celodenni listek za 110 bude stacit ne? 5 c21
2014-29-08 15:45:55 004206####6407 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c87
2014-29-08 15:53:24 004207####3747 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c34
2014-29-08 16:02:37 004206####4681 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c84
2014-29-51 16:07:13 004207####7627 00420776681720 textmessage hint: libuse cm meaned libuse's cutiemark right? but they don’t want to allow us go to the orloj clock's. nice challenge 3 c58
2014-29-08 16:16:44 004206####3976 00420776681720 textmessage ok, orjloj guard is down, nice NPC play. 5 c58
2014-29-08 16:22:47 004207####1659 00420776681720 textmessage oh, we were wrong. We are waiting on police station. sorry. 5 c77
2014-29-08 16:31:34 004206####4119 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c36
2014-29-08 16:39:03 004206####9676 00420776681720 textmessage Kamilku jsi sel vyzvednou tatinek, je nas o jednoho min. 3 c29
2014-29-08 16:42:30 004206####8441 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 5 c46
2014-29-08 16:45:32 004207####8189 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c82
2014-29-58 16:46:41 004207####8228 00420776681720 textmessage Zacalo prset, vsechno mokry, klice fuc, mapa fuc, mobilu dochazi baterka, ale vydrime. 5 c76
2014-29-08 16:49:25 004207####3020 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c80
2014-29-08 16:57:55 004207####3027 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c68
2014-29-08 17:00:48 004206####1664 00420776681720 textmessage 3 c77
2014-29-08 17:01:57 004206####6091 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c45
2014-29-08 17:11:18 004207####5500 00420776681720 textmessage NEMUZEME SE DOSTAT K HRADU. PREJ NECU KVULI CINANUM. ZKOUSIME TO OBEJIT. 5 c93
2014-29-08 17:13:02 004207####8744 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c22
2014-29-08 17:17:30 004207####8764 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c41
2014-29-08 17:24:50 004206####6013 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 3 c35
2014-29-08 17:29:18 004207####7913 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c94
2014-29-08 17:38:23 004206####3466 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c41
2014-29-08 17:42:50 004207####9368 00420776681720 voicecall --terminated-- 5 c89
2014-29-08 17:49:36 004207####5113 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c69
2014-29-08 17:56:48 004206####6751 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c23
2014-29-72 18:06:45 004206####6019 00420776681720 textmessage Je tu celkem zima a uz nam dochazi svetlo v baterce. Jak ze ma byt ten tunel dlouhy? 3 c37
2014-29-08 18:10:38 004207####8266 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c97
2014-29-08 18:15:06 004206####8916 00420776681720 voicecall 3 c73
2014-29-08 18:20:43 004207####2371 00420776681720 textmessage Ono to není v Brne? 5 c65
2014-29-08 18:23:01 004207####3766 00420776681720 textmessage 5 c54
2014-29-08 18:30:04 004206####1171 00420776681720 voicecall 5 c25